Sunday, January 31, 2010

Where Is Irish Coast Furniture Made Are The Black Irish Descendants From The Spanish Armada?

Are the Black Irish descendants from the Spanish Armada? - where is irish coast furniture made

I read the Spanish sailors in front of the abandoned
To avoid the coast of Ireland, and the English for a year.


DMG said...

I believe that the mitochondrial DNA test could answer the question to a certain extent. I guess you'll find many AA homogeneity, even in the nuclear DNA. The Irish arrived in America has always been very tribal and not a single Irish identity. I suspect that, as would have been happy.

The very white skin and blue eyes are recessive traits and express hair black dominate strange combination to say the least. My great-grandmother was black Irish, and a photo of her that is absolutely breathtaking. It is in black and white, but his eyes are blue, light, almost white appear in the picture.

Shirley T said...

I understand that occupied Ireland before the Gauls, the people there called Firbogs. I do not know what kind of pigmentation they had.

I do not think that the Vikings had nothing to do with red hair. The majority of Scandinavians are red, but blonde and light brown. There are some red in Scandinavia May as everywhere, but it seems to be a dominant feature.

However, although the Normans were originally Norsemen who are in the coastal area of France. The dark lines are dominant features on the lighter and with time the dark lines, which have dominated. I understand that England were the Normans after the Irish were mainly black hair and dark eyes.

miss z said...

No. Despite the few survivors of the Navy, who managed to survive and reproduce too small to allow a contribution to the genetics of race as a whole. There is no difference in the race between blacks and regularly Ireland Ireland, the only difference is the phenotype, or gene expression. A hair brown and blond German German retains the same race, just different hair color genes, you know?
There is a theory that all Irish are a race of people who have migrated from the Iberian peninsula in Spain, ... dark hair and then came with them. There are blond and red Spanish, too.

Elizabeth D said...

I know at some point past the language of the Irish Ireland to Spain, Ireland or Spain (I think it is). There is a page or Irish province in Spain.

It does not help much, I know ...

Scooby said...

are black, but ?????? stupid question, I know ... but my brain is out of service at the time.

OBI said...

Who are the "Black Irish"?

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Dear Cecil:

Several years ago my grandmother told me that the race was from his grandfather, "Black Irish." Recently, I heard three different explanations for the origin of the term:

(1) Refers to a mixture of data for the Irish and Spanish blood from the time of the Spanish Armada, when many Spaniards were shipwrecked cast on the shores of Ireland and remained at the end.

(2) Refers to a mixture of blood from Ireland and Eastern Europe.

(3) refers to a mixture of blood of the Irish, Italian and the Roman Empire.

There are books written on this subject, and no entry is found in both the Encyclopedia Britannica or the Oxford English Dictionary. So naturally, we turn to you. - Christian Ard, San Francisco

Dear Christian:

It was here on the thin line between science and folklore, a place very familiar to us dancing on the Straight Dope.

The BlackIreland seems to be primarily a U.S. thing. The natives of Ireland, which I had heard this concept is new for them.

The people speak Irish as black as if it were a mythical race on equal footing with the lost tribes of Israel. But in reality, is all that it means (in general) is that someone McNulty jet black as in the classical case, hair.

Even if we consider the questionable assumption that the genes had black hair make completely absent in the Gaels of origin, it is likely that the incidence of dark-haired people in a country whose population is slightly higher than the city of Los Angeles could say for solely by the routine testing by the immigration, please contact your business, and so on.

But, you see an explanation of what makes it exciting. So many people were held with all sorts of fancy.

The concept is wild black hair is a testament to the Spanish left in Ireland after the sinking of the Armada. As we occasion had to deal in the past, the number of shipwrecked Spanish sailors who remained in Ireland for the duration of tEMI is trivial.

I have also heard that black Irish, the first inhabitants of Ireland - were perhaps the Phoenicians. The red of Ireland, now the descendants of the Normans, and the blonde Irish are the descendants of the Vikings. One of the many drawbacks of this theory is that the Gaels seemed completely deserted by the image area.

A plausible but still unlikely that this idea is essentially that black hair is a vestige of an indigenous population of type short dark hair blond hair invasion by the Gaels. Assume that Ireland, darker in the western countries, less Irish invaders reached.

There is archaeological and as I said earlier, the data language of the regulation Irish. But how they came to the conclusion that they have short black hair and I do not know. It seems silly to make a theater anyway.

- Cecil Adams

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